The past year-and-a-half, I've been a WAHM (work-at-home-mom) and though the situation is workable, there are still some things I'm not happy with. Like the way I get all grumpy with Raine when I have a deadline looming. Or how the meals are not too well-thought out because I'm too busy or tired to prepare a proper menu. And--maybe a little selfishly--how I don't get to blog as often or write me stuff because there's always something else I need to get done first.
I'm not sure what will happen next year though, when I'm a SAHM. The Hubby once said in exasperation, "Take away all the deadlines and things you have to do and you still won't bake!" Or make soap or make cookies for gifts or (fill in the blank for whatever activity that I always put off).
But there's always hope for the not-so-domestic goddesses. I'll just take it one step at a time. And the first step is to make a list of all the things I want to do.
- Clear out the house. Big task, I know. But basically, I want to get rid of clutter. Maybe have a garage sale, even. Weed out the closet and the cupboards and the piles and piles of stuff.
- Fix the house. Get new curtains, placemats, stuff like that. Add some personal touches. After all, we plan to stay here a few more years.
- Have a weekly menu and grocery list. Make sure that the food is healthy and yummy. In line with that, I'd like to try out at least one new recipe a week. Or every other week.
- Bake cookies, makes spreads. Make a cake! Maximize our fantastic oven. I'd like to be that kind of house where there's always something freshly baked (and that way, I can make sure that there isn't too much sugar in our goodies, and like spike the muffins with carrots and that kind of thing).
- Make my flavored oils and vinegars that I can give as gifts (I bought the bottles for it a year ago!).
- Wean Raine from videos. This is my ultimate I'm-such-a-lousy-mom issue. I always said pre-Raine that I would never let my kid get hooked on TV and videos and computer games, but I find myself relying on videos to keep her busy while I go do other stuff. I want to do stuff like go on nature walks, bring her to Museo Pambata, make homemade clay and finger paint.
- Look into homeschooling. I know it's a bit early, but I want to stimulate Raine's mind. And this dovetails with #6.
- Exercise. Kickboxing or swimming--I just need to get into the groove. I want to lose that final 16lbs that's been hanging around for over a year!
- Revamp my wardrobe. After I see the effects of #8.
- Make soap again. I want to make that Oh Baby! bar for Raine. And The Hubby wants that Great Mornings bar. I want that Rix Trix and people are looking for Honey Oatmeal. So even if I don't sell them anymore, I can just make for my own use.
I better stop at ten for now. Otherwise, it'd be unmanageable. This blog post also happens to be my entry to the Moleskine Philippines Giveaway. I hope to win! That gorgeous paper! I am so addicted to notebooks and Moleskines are the best.
The Moleskine Notebook is courtesy of Avalon.PH
For the contest rules, please see
Thanks, Rheea! I'm also trying to convince my kids to spend less time in front of the TV.
hi ree! i was laughing as i read your post...this smacks of what i'm going through right now, down to the hubby saying no matter how clutterless my schedule is, i still won't bake...only in his case, i don't have an oven so he can't really complain :D
anyhoo, link love sis! :) i want to know how you're doing. us SAHMs need to stick together...through hubbies, teletubbies (they freak me out) and our ways to maintain our sanities. hugs!
Hi Rheeya! I so share your sentiments. I still have a lot of pending projects. Not soap actually, but I would like to learn how to make body scrubs, hehe. Hope we can exchange links : )
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